Town Clock CDC holds an annual fundraising & advocacy event, called Being Brave. It is inspirational and is designed to honor and support women who bravely pursue safety, wholeness, and affordable housing.
This year’s event is on October 17, 2024 at Pines Manor Edison. The cocktail hour & silent auction is at 6 pm, following dinner and awards ceremony at 7 pm. Our Community Awardees are: Outstanding Social Responsibility Award - The New Brunswick Elks Lodge #324; Outstanding Provider Award Group - Lisa Smith; Outstanding Volunteer Award - Joe DeBonis; Outstanding Advocate Award - Assemblyman Sterling Stanley. Other elements include music performed by Mike Bond and Pastor Reginald Williams Jr. for the #TheManStand.
All proceeds help to support the programming offered to our eleven resident survivor families living at Dina's Dwellings and the Barbara Littman House.
#BeingBrave #TownClockCDC
Tickets are no longer on sale. Thank you for attending!
Thank You Sponsors!

The New Brunswick Elks Lodge #324
Outstanding Social Responsibility Award

Joe DeBonis
Outstanding Volunteer Award

Lisa Smith
Outstanding Provider Award

Assemblyman Sterling Stanley
Outstanding Advocate Award

Pastor Reginald Williams Jr.
#TheManStand Speaker

Thomas Lobben
About Town Clock Community Development Corporation
Town Clock Community Development Corporation is a New Brunswick, NJ-based nonprofit that operates Dina's Dwellings and the Barbara Littman House to provide permanent, affordable, safe housing and supportive services to survivors of domestic violence and their children.
It is one of only 40 such establishments in the entire United States.
It is the largest facility of its kind in New Jersey.
Our goal is to replicate our model by working with other organizations and creating at least two facilities in every state.
57% of homeless women report domestic violence as the root cause of their homelessness.